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Menu Bar

The top row of buttons is un-changing, and either provides key features or changes the lower row to become sub-menu choices:


  • Connects to the network. Once connected, the button changes to SIGN-OUT.


  • Opens up a separate window which lists the map options available in your FIR. The MAPS window may be left open, or closed after making a selection from it.

Both the MAPS and PRESETS menus are in two parts, with choices in the top part changing the options available in the bottom part. Please note that these choices will include ALL options for the whole FIR, some of which may not be relevant to the particular ATC position you are working. Refer to FIR documentation for how to use these menus.


  • Opens up a separate window which lists pre-determined settings available in your FIR. Unlike the MAPS window, which only switches a single map attribute on or off, making a selection in the PRESETS menu can make multiple changes to the display, including opening INSET windows for specific use.


  • Opens a new window, containing a view of the map and radar targets which can be positioned independantly of others. If you are providing a top-down service of different types of airspace, or even different airports, each INSET can provide a view of a different location and at different magnification. PRESETS may be provided to open inset windows for specific purposes.


Toggles the lower menu line in to the tools submenu:

  • FULL - Use the full screen to display the IVAC2 main window, without any window borders, title-bar, icons etc. Press again to return to windowed mode.
  • LAT/LON - Toggles the latitude/longtitude information window which displays the coordinates of the last click on the main SDD window. Please note that this is intended for providing an approximate location of an aircraft, such as might be used for search-and-rescue (SAR) purposes, and does not display results accurate to sufficient decimal places to be used for drawing maps.
  • OPSLOAD - Toggles the OPSLOAD information window which provides a graphical representation of what the IVAC2 threads are doing in the background.
  • TRACKALL - Toggles the display of history tracks for all targets currently visible in the main SDD window. Please note that history tracks only start from when IVAC2 was signed-in, or from when targets enter radar-range; they do NOT provide a complete history of that target's radar track.


Toggles the lower menu line in to the velocity submenu:

  • ALL - Enables velocity lines for all radar targets (clicking again disables ALL). If all is not selected, only assumed targets will have velocity lines.
  • OFF - Turns off velocity lines for the ALL or assumed targets.
  • 30sec, 1 min, … 15 min - Sets the velocity lines so that they show where each target will be after the specified time. Note that velocity lines take the current target speed in to account; targets which are accelerating or decelerating will have their lines gradually adjust in length.


Toggles the lower menu line in to the halo submenu:

  • ALL - Applies a halo circle around all visible targets.
  • TRACK - If clicked with a single target selected, a halo circle is added to just that target.
  • NONE - Clears the individual targets added using the TRACK button.
  • 2.5, 5, … 20 - Sets the size of the halo circles to be of the specified radius. Note that the size of ALL halo circles change, regardless of whether they were set individually using the TRACK button or by pressing ALL.






Toggles the lower menu line in to the display submenu:

  • NEXT FREQ - When this item is selected (highlighted) the “next” entry in target labels will show the COM frequency of the assigned next controller; when this item is not selected, the label will instead show the short name of the controller.
  • PSR - Turns the simulated Primary Surveillance Radar on or off. When the PSR is enabled, radar returns will be simulated for all targets regardless of whether the aircraft transponder is turned on or off; without PSR, only targets with an activated transponder will be displayed.
  • Note that targets without an activated transponder will not have a label displayed for them when derived from PSR, as their callsign, altitude or other data cannot be determined.


Toggles the lower menu line in to the safety-nets submenu:

  • STCA - Short Term Conflict Alerts can be turned on or off.



  • Doesn't do anything in the current version of IVAC2.


  • Doesn't do anything in the current version of IVAC2.




  • Doesn't do anything in the current version of IVAC2.



  • DIsplays the extrapolated route of the selected target. Can be removed by clicking the EXPLT button again or along with all other temporary markings by using the CLEAN button.


  • After clicking the button, double-click on a radar target, then on a 2nd radar target. Two lines will be drawn on the map, either in-front of or behind each of the two targets, showing the relative position of the two targets at the time they will have minimum separation; if the lines are behind the direction of travel, then the minimum separation was in the past… if the lines are in the same direction as the travel, then the minim separation is in the future. A number will also be displayed which represents the number of miles between the two targets at the moment of minimum separation. Note that the two lines will be constantly updated as the targets move.


  • Displays the magnetic compass direction from the first mouse click to wherever the pointer is moved; when the mouse is next clicked, a line will be drawn between the two points. The numbers at the end of the line indicate the magnetic bearing from the initial point to the end point, and the number after the “/” indicates the distance between them in miles. If a radar target is double-clicked at one or both ends of the QDM line, it will be locked to that line and move with the target, constantly updating the bearing and distance.




  • Toggles the ATC information window. This is a mini web-browser that could be configured to display useful information for controlling in your FIR. Refer to FIR documentation for how to use this feature.



  • Toggles the visibility of labels for unassumed targets on the ground; if you are a radar controller you probably want ground labels turned off.


  • Doesn't do anything in the current version of IVAC2.


  • Doesn't do anything in the current version of IVAC2.


  • The clean function removes any and all temporarily added aid lines which have been drawn, including QDM, SEP, and EXPLT.

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