The flight-plan dialogue box is used to view the flight-plan which was filed by the pilot of the target aircraft, or which is used for flight-planning purposes by ATC:
CALLSIGN - The identifier for the target aircraft.
FTYPE - The Flight Type: S=Scheduled, N=Non-scheduled, G=General-Aviation, M=Military, X=Other
FRULE The flight rules that the target is operating under: I=Instrument, V=Visual, Y=IFR-then-VFR, Z=VFR-then-IFR
NR - NumbeR of aircraft. This will be “1” other than in the case of formation flights.
ACTYP - The ICAO code for the aircraft type.
WTC - The Wake Turbulence Category of the aircraft type, L=Light, M=Medium, H=Heavy.
EQUIPMENT - A series of letter codes, each representing items of equipment on the aircraft, eg. S=Standard, G=Global-Navigation-System etc.
SSR - The type of transponder on the target aircraft, N=None, C=Mode-C, S=Mode-S etc.
ADEP - Departure Airport ICAO code.
ADES - Destination Airport ICAO code.
TAS - The cruising True Air Speed; a letter prefix indicating: N=kNots, M=Mach, K=Kilometers/hour.
RFL - Requested Flight Level, a letter prefix indicates: F=Flight-Level, A=Altitude (hundreds of feet), S=Metric-Level, M=Metric-Altitude (tens-of-metres).
EOBT - Estimated Off-Blocks Time, the time at which the flight is planned to begin moving away from the parking position.
EET - Estimated Elapsed Time, the calculated/planned duration of the flight.
ALTN1 - The first choice of Alternate Airport.
ALTN2 - The second choice of Alternate Airport.
ROUTE - The flight-plan route. This will include the way-points, navigational aids, airways and other route elements that are planned; it may also include additional details such as planned changes of level or flight-rules.
ITEM 18 - This can be a lengthy set of additional fields included in the flightplan containing additional information. Examples include REG/ (aircraft registration, DOF (date of flight), SEL/ (selcal code), OPR/ (operating company), RMK/ (other remarks).
NEXT - The next controller which the target should contact after transfer by the current controller.
CFL - The Cleared Flight Level to which the target should be climbing, descending, or maintaining.
ASP - The Assigned SPeed which the target should be maintaining.
CWP - The Cleared Waypoint which the target should be proceeding towards.
XFL - The eXit Flight Level, the flight-level at which the target is planned to leave the sector.
XCOP - The eXit Co-Ordination Point, the waypoint at which the target is planned to leave the sector.
PEL - The Planned Entry Level, the flight-level at which the target is planned to enter the sector
COPN - The Co-Ordination Point eNtry, the waypoint at which the target is planned to enter the sector.
ASSR - Assigned Secondary Surveillance Radar code, ie. the squawk code which has been assigned to this target.
DSTAND - The stand number assigned to the target at the departure airport.
DRWY - The departure runway assigned to the target.
SID - The Standard Instrument Departure assigned to the target.
STAR - The STandard Arrival Route assigned to the target.
ARWY - The arrival runway assigned to the target.
ASTAND - The stand number assigned to the target at the arrival airport.