In a text entry dialog, special-use commands may be entered:

  • .atis <callsign> - requests the ATIS of the specified controller.
  • <xxx.xxx> <message> - send a message to the COM frequency specified by the x's. Note that you will not receive this message in your TXT IN window as you will not be tuned to that frequency!
  • .pm <callsign> <message> - sends a private message just to the specified callsign. Works even if the callsign is outside visibility range.
  • .forward <with> <copy> - begins forwarding all text messages exchanged <with> so that a copy is automatically sent to <copy>. A warning message is sent to both parties to announce the fact that forwarding is in-progress.
  • .xforward <with> <copy> - end forwarding of text messages. A warning message is sent to both parties to announce that forwarding has ended.
  • .atc <message> - sends a message to the ATC coordination channel.
  • .guard <message> - sends a message to the safety-com channel.
  • .wallop <message> - sends a message to all online supervisors, requesting assistance.
  • .bc <message> - broadcast a message to all network clients [Supervisor user only].
  • .kill <callsign> <message> - forcibly disconnect the callsign issuing the message [Supervisor use only].
  • .info <callsign> - request connection information for the callsign [Supervisor user only].

The above messages may also be used in PM (personal message) dialogue, in which case the <callsign> may be left out as it will apply just to the user to whom the PM is addressed.