This is an old revision of the document!


The flight-plan dialogue box is used to view the flight-plan which was filed by the pilot of the target aircraft, or which is used for flight-planning purposes by ATC:

  • CALLSIGN - The identifier for the target aircraft.
  • FTYPE - The Flight Type: S=Scheduled, N=Non-scheduled, G=General-Aviation, M=Military, X=Other
  • FRULE The flight rules that the target is operating under: I=Instrument, V=Visual, Y=IFR-then-VFR, Z=VFR-then-IFR
  • NR - NumbeR of aircraft. This will be “1” other than in the case of formation flights.
  • ACTYP - The ICAO code for the aircraft type.
  • WTC - The Wake Turbulence Category of the aircraft type, L=Light, M=Medium, H=Heavy.
  • EQUIPMENT - A series of letter codes, each representing items of equipment on the aircraft, eg. S=Standard, G=Global-Navigation-System etc.
  • SRR - The type of transponder on the target aircraft, N=None, C=Mode-C, S=Mode-S etc.
  • ADEP - Departure Airport ICAO code.
  • ADES - Destination Airport ICAO code.
  • TAS - The cruising True Air Speed; a letter prefix indicating: N=kNots, M=Mach, K=Kilometers/hour.
  • RFL - Requested Flight Level, a letter prefix indicates: F=Flight-Level, A=Altitude (hundreds of feet), S=Metric-Level, M=Metric-Altitude (tens-of-metres).
  • EOBT - Estimated Off-Blocks Time, the time at which the flight is planned to begin moving away from the parking position.
  • EET - Estimated Elapsed Time, the calculated/planned duration of the flight.
  • ALTN1 - The first choice of Alternate Airport.
  • ALTN2 - The second choice of Alternate Airport.
  • ROUTE - The flight-plan route. This will include the way-points, navigational aids, airways and other route elements that are planned; it may also include additional details such as planned changes of level or flight-rules.
  • ITEM 18 - This can be a lengthy set of additional fields included in the flightplan containing additional information. Examples include REG/ (aircraft registration, DOF (date of flight), SEL/ (selcal code), OPR/ (operating company), RMK/ (other remarks).

The next group of fields relate to data assigned to the target by ATC:

  • NEXT - The next controller which the target should contact after transfer by the current controller.
  • CFL - The Cleared Flight Level to which the target should be climbing, descending, or maintaining.
  • ASP - The Assigned SPeed which the target should be maintaining.
  • CWP - The Cleared Waypoint which the target should be proceeding towards.
  • XFL - The eXit Flight Level, the flight-level at which the target is planned to leave the sector.
  • XCOP - The eXit Co-Ordination Point, the waypoint at which the target is planned to leave the sector.
  • PEL - The Planned Entry Level, the flight-level at which the target is planned to enter the sector
  • COPN - The Co-Ordination Point eNtry, the waypoint at which the target is planned to enter the sector.
  • ASSR - Assigned Secondary Surveillance Radar code, ie. the squawk code which has been assigned to this target.
  • DSTAND - The stand number assigned to the target at the departure airport.
  • DRWY - The departure runway assigned to the target.
  • SID - The Standard Instrument Departure assigned to the target.
  • STAR - The STandard Arrival Route assigned to the target.
  • ARWY - The arrival runway assigned to the target.
  • ASTAND - The stand number assigned to the target at the arrival airport.

The final group of fields relate to the target's network connection:

  • VID - The network identifier of the pilot flying the target aircraft.
  • NAME - The real name of the human pilot flying the target aircraft.
  • VOICE - Indication of whether the pilot has voice-communication available or is text-only.
  • SI - Sector Indicator of the controlling that has currently assumed the target.

The buttons at the bottom of the dialogue are inoperative in the current version of IVAC2, except for EXIT which closes the dialogue.