This is an old revision of the document!



The mapcolors.xml file is used define a RGB color for each of the color codes used in the maps using the color= attribute. The colors are defined per FIR definition and allow you to define a look and feel as close as possible to the local real life ATM system.

Root Elementcolors
idstringcolor name, used as color identification in the maps.
rbyteRGB color code (0-255)
gbyteRGB color code (0-255)
bbyteRGB color code (0-255)
abyteRGB color code (0-255)
textstringtext to display for this color in the color editor

RULE: Always use id's and text values in English!
Remember that any user can and will use the FIR definition, not only your local division members!!
Keep it user friendly... Thank You!


    <color id="fir_bdry"     r="15" g="15"  b="15" a="120" text="FIR boundary" />
    <color id="airspace_low" r="50" g="50"  b="50" text="Airspace low" />
    <color id="ebbr_ap_bdry" r="65" g="112" b="40" text="EBBR ground boundary" />