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line element

stippleintegerstipple line bitwise pattern definition
widthfloatline width in pixels
colorstringcolor id name
rbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
gbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
bbytecolor RGB value (0-255)

Each polygon consists of at least three <point> elements where each <point> is connected to the next <point> and where the first and last <point> elements connect to each other. The area inside the points is filled with the specified color.


  <polygon r="0" g="128" b="0">
      <point x="1.00222" y="0.298888"/>
      <point x="0.989001" y="0.288488"/>
      <point x="0.975529" y="0.27872"/>
      <point x="0.974503" y="0.277813"/>
      <point x="0.97358" y="0.276798"/>
      <point x="0.972781" y="0.275686"/>
      <point x="0.972106" y="0.274487"/>

to draw a line border around a polygon: draw the same polygon again as a lineloop element