
polyarc element

radiusfloatradius of the arc in nautical miles
segmentsintegernumber of segments to draw
clockwisebooleanDraw arc clockwise if “true” (default: true)
widthfloatline width in pixels
colorstringcolor id name
rbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
gbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
bbytecolor RGB value (0-255)

draw a filled arc with center position <point1> and given radius from <point2> to <point3> in a clockwise direction using the amount of segments given.

Three <point> elements are required.


Brussels CTR: 504434N 0043404E - an arc of circle, 10 NM radius, centered on 505405N 0042904E and traced clockwise to 505203N 0044435E - 504434N 0043404E.

  <polyarc radius="10" segments="45" clockwise="true">
      <point lat="N0505405" lon="E0042904"/>
      <point lat="N0505203" lon="E0044435"/>
      <point lat="N0504434" lon="E0043404"/>