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line element

Use a line element to draw a single point on the map.

stippleintegerstipple line bitwise pattern definition
widthfloatline width in pixels
colorstringcolor id name
rbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
gbytecolor RGB value (0-255)
bbytecolor RGB value (0-255)

Each line consists of an even amount of <point> elements where the first <point> is the start and the second <point> element is the end of the line to draw.


  <line color="myPredefinedColor">
      <point lon="E0042957" lat="N0511059"/>
      <point lon="E0044324" lat="N0510755"/>
      <point lon="E0043127" lat="N0511038"/>
      <point lon="E0043140" lat="N0511101"/>
      <point lon="E0043427" lat="N0510957"/>
      <point lon="E0043440" lat="N0511020"/>
      <point lon="E0043726" lat="N0510917"/>
      <point lon="E0043739" lat="N0510940"/>
      <point lon="E0044324" lat="N0510755"/>
      <point lon="E0044338" lat="N0510818"/>