
The sid.xml file is used to define the available SIDs used by the “DCL” function (Datalink Clearance). DCL uses this dataset to find the best match for a departure clearance based on the Flight Plan and the current airport ATIS.

The sid.xml file is located in the fir/ directory

Root Elementsids
icaostringICAO 4 letter airport ICAO designator
idstringSID id in ICAO formatyes
transitionstringSID transition idno
shortstringshort name (reserved for future development)no
exitstringexit waypoint of the SIDyes
rwystringdeparture runway designatoryes
cflintegerinitial cleared flight level (CFL)no0
minrflintegerminimum requested flight level (RFL)no0
maxrflintegermaximum requested flight level (RFL)no999
begintimestart hour when SID is available (UTC time, HHMM)no0000
endtimeend hour when SID is available (UTC time, HHMM)no2359
dowstringDay Of Week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)no1234567
wtcstringWake Turbulence Category: L M H J (ICAO doc 8643)noLMHJ
item10astringFPL item10a equipment field requirement (eg. R=RNAV Examples on Page 3no
engstringEngine Type (ICAO doc 8643) J=Jet P=Propellor T=TurbopropnoJPT
minengintegerminimum number of engines (ICAO doc 8643)no0
maxengintegermaximum number of engines (ICAO doc 8643)no9
acclassstringAircraft classification (ICAO doc 8643) Amphibian Gyrocopter Helicopter Landplane SeaPlane Tilt-wingnoAGHLST
stripcolorcoloridstrip/flightlist text color (color id)no
stripbgcoloridstrip/flightlist background color (color id)no
gndcolorcoloridground label text color (color id)no
gndbgcoloridground label background color (color id)no
aircolorcoloridairborne label text color (color id)no
airbgcoloridairborne label background color (color id)no
intentstringintention code (usage not yet defined)no
textstringfree text with operational information about this SIDno

Query algorithm

The query used to find the appropriate SID is based on:

  1. id = FPL ADEP
  2. rwy = ATIS DEP RWY
  3. exit = FPL route first waypoint
  4. wtc contains FPL wake turbulence category
  5. item10a in FPL item10a equipment field
  6. minrfl ⇐ FPL RFL (requested flight level)
  7. maxrfl >= FPL RFL
  8. begin ⇐ ETOD
  9. end >= ETOD
  10. dow contains current day of week
  11. mineng ⇐ number of engines
  12. maxeng >= number of engines
  13. eng contains engine type
  14. acclass contains aircraft classification

If the route starts with a SID it will be ignored, actually any word at the start of the route field containing a digit will be ignored. (this will ignore errors like NxxxFxxx at the start of the route)

The number of engines, engine type and aircraft classification are based on ICAO doc 8643.

ETOD (Estimated Time of Departure) is currently calculated as current time + 10 minutes.

Item10a can be used to assign a SID only to a FPL if a specific equipment requirement needs to be met, for example RNAV. The following SQL syntax is used: POSITION(item10a IN fpl_item10a) > 0

the first found SID is used.

example #1

    <airport icao="EBBR">
        <sid id="DENUT6C" short="DEN6C" exit="DENUT" rwy="25R" cfl="060"  minrfl="0" maxrfl="660" begin="0000" end="2359" dow="1234567" acclass="AGHLST" eng="JPT" mineng="0" maxeng="9" wtc="LMHJ" />

example #2: heavy four engine SID

Example: HEAVY7A SID for heavy aircraft with 4 engines or more and requesting FL 190 or above on Sunday:

    <airport icao="EBZZ">
        <sid id="HEAVY7A" short="HVY7A" exit="TOSEA" rwy="25R" cfl="060"  minrfl="190" dow="7" eng="J" mineng="4" wtc="HJ" />

example #3: KMIA BSTER2 RNAV departure

<airport icao="KMIA">
  <!-- notes: KMIA UTC+4 - FPL item10a shall contain R (RNAV) -->
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="WINCO" short="BSTER2" exit="WINCO" rwy="26L" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="HEDLY" short="BSTER2" exit="HEDLY" rwy="26L" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="VALLY" short="BSTER2" exit="VALLY" rwy="26L" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="PADUS" short="BSTER2" exit="PADUS" rwy="26L" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="WINCO" short="BSTER2" exit="WINCO" rwy="26R" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="HEDLY" short="BSTER2" exit="HEDLY" rwy="26R" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="VALLY" short="BSTER2" exit="VALLY" rwy="26R" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="PADUS" short="BSTER2" exit="PADUS" rwy="26R" cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="WINCO" short="BSTER2" exit="WINCO" rwy="27"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="HEDLY" short="BSTER2" exit="HEDLY" rwy="27"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="VALLY" short="BSTER2" exit="VALLY" rwy="27"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="PADUS" short="BSTER2" exit="PADUS" rwy="27"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="WINCO" short="BSTER2" exit="WINCO" rwy="30"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="HEDLY" short="BSTER2" exit="HEDLY" rwy="30"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="VALLY" short="BSTER2" exit="VALLY" rwy="30"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
  <sid id="BSTER2" transition="PADUS" short="BSTER2" exit="PADUS" rwy="30"  cfl="50" begin="0300" end="1000" eng="J" item10a="R" />
