If you like to change the name of a group in the maps window or you wish to order them, change the column size of groups or maps then you need to create groups.xml in your fir/maps/groups.xml

Attribute Required FormatRemarks
group_colsno (defaults to 4) integerthe number of columns visible in the maps window (top section)
Root Elementgroups
idyesstringunique group name, use this in the group attribute of your maps
nameyesstringhuman readable name shown in the maps window
orderno (defaults to id)stringorder in which groups are shown (Note: sorted alphabetical not numerical)
colsno (defaults to 4)stringnumber of columns shown in this map group


<groups group_cols="5">
    <!-- Line 1 -->
    <group id="ACC"            name="ACC"       order="01"/>
    <group id="EBBR_AD"        name="EBBR"      order="02"/>
    <group id="REGN_AD"        name="REGN AD"   order="03" cols="4"/>
    <group id="MIL_AD"         name="MIL AD"    order="04"/>
    <group id="LOCAL_AD"       name="LOCAL AD"  order="05"/>
    <!-- Line 2 -->
    <group id="AIRSPACE"       name="AIRSPACE"  order="06"/>
    <group id="EBBR_RWY"       name="EBBR RWY"  order="07" cols="3"/>
    <group id="REGN_RWY"       name="REGN RWY"  order="08"/>
    <group id="MIL_RWY"        name="MIL RWY"   order="09"/>
    <group id="PARADROP"       name="PARADROP"  order="10"/>
    <!-- Line 3 -->
    <group id="SPECIAL"        name="SPECIAL"   order="11"/>
    <group id="TSA"            name="TSA"       order="12" cols="6"/>
    <group id="TRA_PROH"       name="TRA/PROH"  order="13"/>
    <group id="MIL_AIRSAPCE"   name="MIL AIRSPACE" order="14"/>
    <group id="INFO"           name="INFO"      order="15"/>
