
Last updated 2016/07/26 0515Z (b2419)

The sddsymbols.xml file is used to define symbols used to draw aircraft plots on the radar display.

The sddsymbols.xml file is located in the fir/theme/(theme_name) directory

Root Elementsymbols
namestringsymbol name (must be unique)

Each symbol is drawn using the same methods as used in the maps:

The symbol is drawn using a cartesian system where the centre of the track is the centerpoint (0,0).

If a blank symbol is required the <dummy /> tag can be used inside a <symbol> element.

The following symbols must exist:

Symbol nameDescription
trackStandard aircraft track *(required)*
track_psrPrimary radar aircraft track
track_ssrSecondary radar aircraft track
track_cmbPrimary + Secondary radar aircraft track
track_coastedtrack of aircraft which has coasted (or disconnected)
track_vfrtrack of aircraft on VFR flight plan
track_assumedtrack of aircraft which is assumed
track_releasedtrack of aircraft which is released
track_concernedtrack of aircraft when you are the next
track_groundtrack of aircraft on ground
track_ground_assumedtrack of aircraft on ground when assumed
track_spisymbol drawn for squawk ident
track_sep_inittrack symbol highlight when starting a SEP tool combination
track_trail_#Aircraft trail where # is the element number (1 through 24 (included))
track_historytrack history
track_expltwaypoint symbol when showing route


<symbol name="track">
		<point x="4" y="-4"/>
		<point x="-4" y="4"/>
		<point x="4" y="4"/>
		<point x="-4" y="-4"/>
	<path close="true">
		<point x="-2" y="2"/>
		<point x="2" y="2"/>
		<point x="2" y="-2"/>
		<point x="-2" y="-2"/>
<symbol name="track_trail_1">
	 <dummy />
