Map Presets

A number of map presents may be defined, grouping the following commands:

New for 2.0.5

Presets may be all combined into a single file, or we recommend you group them in separate files. All preset files must be located in the fir/presets/ directory.

Root Elementpresets
idstringUnique Preset ID
namestringPreset Display Name
groupstringPreset Group
toolbarbooleanAdd the preset to the toolbar
clearmapsbooleanDisable all maps before applying preset
Root Elementpreset
latstringLatitude of the center point for the main window
lonstringLongitude of the center point for the main window
refstringReference point to use as center for the main window (discards lat/lon)
rangeintDisplayed range in the main windows in Nautical Miles
rotationfloatRotation to be applied in the main window (degrees). Positive angles are a clockwise rotation
magvarfloatMagnetic variation specific to this preset; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided. “auto” may be used for automatic calculation of magvar for each lat/lon position
northstring“mag” or “true” specifies whether magnetic-north or true-north are to be displayed upwards for this preset; ; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided
autorotateboolean“true” or “false” depending on whether automatic rotation to make mag/true north point directly upwards at the centre of this preset; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided
Root Elementpreset
idstringMap ID to toggle
visiblebooleanEnable / disable the map
textbooleanEnable / disable text labels
Root Elementpreset
latstringLatitude of the center point for the inset
lonstringLongitude of the center point for the inset
refstringReference point to use as center for the inset (discards lat/lon)
rangeintDisplayed range in the inset window in Nautical Miles
rotationfloatRotation to be applied in the inset window (degrees)
widthstringDefault width of the inset, expressed either in pixels (width=“300” equals to 300 px), or in percentage of the primary screen width (width=“25%” equals to 1/4 of the main screen width)
heightstringDefault height of the inset, expressed either in pixels (height=“300” equals to 300 px), or in percentage of the primary screen height (width=“25%” equals to 1/4 of the main screen height)
positionstringDefault inset position on the screen, possible values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT
magvarfloatMagnetic variation specific to this preset; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided. “auto” may be used for automatic calculation of magvar for each lat/lon position
northstring“mag” or “true” specifies whether magnetic-north or true-north are to be displayed upwards for this preset; ; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided
autorotateboolean“true” or “false” depending on whether automatic rotation to make mag/true north point directly upwards at the centre of this preset; over-rides the setting in config.fir if provided


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- EBBU ACC -->
	<preset id="01 EBBU ACC" name="EBBU ACC" group="ACC" clearmaps="true" toolbar="true" menu="true">
		<main range="150" lat="N050534911" lon="E004290864"/>
			<map id="EBBU_BDRY"      visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_AIRSP"     visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_LOW"       visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_AIRWAYS"   visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_FIX_1"     visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_VOR_1"     visible="true"  text="false" />
	<!-- EBBR APP -->
	<preset id="02 EBBR APP" name="EBBR APP" group="APP" clearmaps="true" toolbar="true" menu="false">
		<main range="30" lat="N0505405" lon="E0042904"/>
		<inset id="EBBR APP" range="5" ref="BUB" width="400" height="50%" />
		<inset id="EBAW TWR" range="5" lat="N0511122" lon="E0042737" position="BOTTOM_RIGHT"/>
			<!-- EBBU -->
			<map id="EBBU_BDRY"             visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_AIRSP"            visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_FIX_1"            visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBU_VOR_1"            visible="true"  text="false" />
			<!-- EBBR -->
			<map id="EBBR_AD_GND"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_AD_RWY"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_AD_RWY_MARKINGS"  visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_AD_STANDS"        visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_AD_STOPBARS"      visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_AD_TWY"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_REC_25"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_RWY"              visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBBR_VFR"              visible="true"  text="false" />
			<!-- EBAW -->
			<map id="EBAW_AD_GND"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_AD_RWY_MARKINGS"  visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_AD_TWY"           visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_CTR"              visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_REC_RWY29"        visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_RWY"              visible="true"  text="false" />
			<map id="EBAW_VFR"              visible="true"  text="false" />
